I love tatting Mark's angels. This one is LaVonne's angel. I used DMC blanc in size 20.
The halo is gold embroidery thread, about 3 strands.
I was fascinated with all the tatting shown online using the Sulky thread. Of course, I had to order some of it. The thread i've used for these 2 motifs is Sulky size 12 cotton. The color I used is Truly Teal. It's wonderful to use--just slides right along. The first motif is the first round only of "Peony" from "Tatting Patterns & Designs" by Gun Blonqvist & Elwy Persson. It was the perfect place to stop. The second motif in the bangle is "The Third Day of December" fromLene Bjorn's "24 Snowflakes in Tatting". I will offer the finished tattings to my friends that I spend each Tuesday evening with. They are wonderful to me and I love all of them. Their picture is in a previous blog.
The purple snowflake is one of Jon Yusoff's wonderful creations from her book "Tatted Snowflake Collection". This one is "Pirouette" and was tatted with some of my stash from ages ago. It is DMC size 70 in a dark purple variegated thread.
The green and white snowflake is from the same book by Jon Yusoff. It is "Astral" and was tatted with size 30 threads in white (blanc) and Christmasy green #701.
My next posting will finish this one and will be done in a few minutes unless I feel the need of a nap (which I do often).